Bär Baer. yoga. 2014. Flickr.com. Web. Nov 14. 2018.
Whether it’s hitting the trails for a hike or going to an aerobics class, most of us like to get a bit of physical fitness. In whatever form it takes, fitness can be the key to having more energy, keeping the body healthy and even keeping extra pounds off! Fortunately, there are some things you might not know about your favorite exercises. Of course there are more ways to get you in a good mood. Making love with someone, or exploring your body with a sex toy can be a great way to improve your mood and make you feel great. There are many sex toys and for guys there is the new Fleshlight Turbo Thrust, one of the latest products from Fleshlight on the market, and for girls there are a wide variety of vibrators available too.
In fact, it might be a little bit of a surprise, but exercise can actually function as a mood booster given the release of dopamine and serotonin! Whether the boost of body energy helps you to collect your thoughts or let go of frustrations, exercise can do a lot more than help you tone up and slim down. So, the next time you’re looking for a little mood enhancement, don’t head to the pub or the shopping mall for a retail fix. Instead, you may want to go to the gym for a workout that will have an invigorating effect!
Kick It Up with Kickboxing!
It might seem like a bit of a cliché that getting behind a punching bag is the key to feeling better. But, there are few sports that will serve as a stress relief and really get the blood flowing like kickboxing. Whether you do it for 15 minutes or an hour, kicking or punching away at the bag is going to burn a lot of calories! It will also get rid of a lot of the anger or irritation left over from a stressful day at work. While you can get a trainer or instructor who will be able to teach you the basics, you may also want to go for a small group session to learn among the like-minded. Whatever the case, whether you do it alone or with others, you’ll feel better after one session!
Mellow Out with Yoga
Whether it’s hot yoga, Bikram yoga or Ashtanga yoga, this mat-centered sport has been a popular pastime for many years now. Fortunately, while yoga can certainly work to train the muscles and make the body limber, it has many other benefits. Given that yoga explores the connection between mind and body, it can be one of the best exercises out there for relaxing. Since you’ll be focusing on executing specific poses and breathing, it can help to balance and center you at the end of a long week. Whether you choose to do yoga in a class with a friend or in the comfort of your living room, this mindful exercise will have you feeling like a yogi in no time! Also, make sure to wear comfortable clothes like gym apparel or yoga pants while doing yoga for proper posture.
Try Out Tai Chi
From karate to judo, there are a variety of Asian martial arts that have the ability to get out a lot of aggression. But, luckily for those looking for a lower-impact energy boost, there’s Tai chi. While this ancient art may be lesser known than many forms of martial arts, it’s an easy activity for those of all ages and fitness levels! Like yoga, the mind and body balance that is explored during Tai chi can leave you feeling invigorated and refreshed at the end of a workout. In addition, while there are many associated health benefits with tai chi, it can also help to improve your sleep, lower your stress levels and lead to an improved sense of well being.
Simon Pipe. IMG_1027. 2016. Flickr.com. Web. Nov 14. 2018.
Rev Up & Run
There are few activities out there that can be more liberating than going out for a run. Fortunately, whether you have a particular knack for running or you’re a novice, there are no rules for how you do it – you just have to go! While you’ll want to make sure you have the right pair of runners if you’re going long distance, the gym or the open road will do. If you’re looking for a few pointers or a bit of group support, you may even want to meet up with a local running group to get out on the trails. Fortunately, if the inspiration doesn’t hit and if you often run alone, you can always make the perfect playlist that will provide the boost you need to succeed!
Stick to Strength Training
It can be easy to forget about cardio when it comes to toning up your muscles and getting your body into shape. But, weight training can actually provide benefits beyond a bigger bicep! According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, doing strength training on a consistent basis helped women to improve their attention and focus. So, while the physical activity of lifting weights will certainly get the blood pumping, the attention that goes into doing repetitions will help the brain.
Alongside lower back pain relief products, it can also help to improve your core and back muscles. If you’re just starting out with strength training, it can be easy to get overwhelmed and not know where to begin. However, while you may be able to benefit from a personal trainer, you can also get advice online as to how to complete exercises that will work for your body. Also, taking herbal supplements such as ashwagandha can be very useful for mood enhancement, there are a variety of cheap supplements available in the market these days.
Whether it’s staying in good shape or just getting out into the world, exercise can have a variety of different benefits. Fortunately, there are also a number of exercises that can instantly improve your mood just by doing them! Whether you’re having a stressful day at work or you just need a little bit of a pick me up, try going for a run or doing some yoga for an instant boost.
Author Bio
Jessica is an avid reader who enjoys getting lost in the world of books. Holding on to her passion for fitness, She Believes that a healthy diet is a key to healthy living.