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Caring for Curly Hair

Caring for Curly Hair
Caring for Curly Hair

Curly or textured hair is particularly delicate and prone to drying out or breakage. If you have curly or textured hair, you have a naturally beautiful and interesting look, but you’ll need to be extra careful how you take care of your hair. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your hair healthy, strong and beautiful:

Styling Curly Hair

When styling your hair, it’s absolutely crucial to prep your hair properly before using heating tools like blow dryers and flat irons. Curly or textured hair dries out very easily, and can quickly become brittle if you neglect to protect it. Always apply a heat protectant spray or product before blow-drying or styling your hair. Another way to protect your hair is by investing in high-quality hair extensions from a reputable company like True Glory Hair.

Hair extensions are a great way to quickly change your look or experiment with different hairstyles without putting your hair under a lot of stress. Be wary though — low-quality hair extensions can look obviously fake and may fall apart after only a couple of uses. When shopping for hair extensions, make sure to go for high-quality bundles made from real virgin hair.

True Glory Hair’s extensions are made from real Indian or Brazilian virgin hair and look, feel, and move exactly like the real thing. They are also well made, durable, and can withstand constant styling, making them a great option for those who like to regularly style their hair but who want to protect their own natural strands.

Skip the Shampoo

If you have curly or textured hair, shampooing every day can strip your hair of its natural oils, causing it to become dry and brittle. This may lead to breakage or even excessive hair fall. Stick to shampooing only every other day or every two days to preserve the natural oils in your hair.

On days when you don’t wash your hair with shampoo, you can keep your scalp free from grease and your hair smelling fresh by using a dry shampoo instead.

Condition Regularly

Conditioner is so important for curly and textured hair because it not only restores moisture, but it also protects your delicate strands by coating them and putting a protective seal over them.

Condition your hair while it’s still damp, taking extra care to distribute the product in areas where your hair is particularly dull and dry. Rinse well until you no longer feel any slippery residue on the strands of your hair.

Dry Carefully

Vigorously rubbing your hair dry with a coarse towel is a no-no for curly or textured hair. Doing this will only cause frizz and brittleness. Instead, gently squeeze any excess water out of your hair, then apply a nourishing serum or oil while it is still damp, and let it air dry. This will help preserve your curls and keep their shape and bounciness.

Curly hair may take some extra effort to maintain, but with proper care, you can have enviably shiny, healthy, bouncy, and natural beautiful locks.

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